"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you...plans to give you hope and a future." Jerimiah 29:11

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

V Continues with Wholesome Sci-Fi Goodness

In the tradition of THE BODY SNATCHERS and Robert Heinlein's THE PUPPETMASTERS the aliens are once again among us but they have managed to disquise themselves to look and act exactly like we do. Clever indeed. The ABC season finale of the reboot of the popular eighties series V continued to pile on the action with a healthy dose of sci-fi as well. It seems obvious that the pastor's boss is an alien but who knows for sure? They had a couple of chances to show us what the new alien/human hybrid baby looks like but all we were given was a lizard-like tail wrapping itself around daddy's finger. Fortunately for the humans, the soldier eggs were destroyed with a little help from the fifth column. I'm hoping that next season will begin to show a lot more of the aliens as the evil lizard people they truly are. And why haven't they shown any of them eating a rat yet?

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