"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you...plans to give you hope and a future." Jerimiah 29:11

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Quick Guide to the Best Chocolaty Beverages

If you're anything like me you spend at least a few moments out of every waking hour thinking about chocolate in some way shape or form. To me, there is nothing like tipping back a chocolaty drink on my way to or from work. Something about that chocolaty taste just makes me feel like a new man. So here is my list of some of the best chocolaty stuff available right now in no particular order.

Boost is a wonderfully chocolaty, nutritional supplement packed with 26 vitamins and minerals and can be found at most grocery stores. It can be bought in packs of six for between seven to eight dollars. Boost comes in vanilla, butter pecan, strawberry, and chocolate flavor. I highly recommend the chocolate since it is the only flavor I have tried but seriously, who wants to drink something that tastes like butter pecan? Boost makes a great breakfast if you are in a hurry. The biggest downside to Boost is that the bottles are so darn small(8 oz. to be exact). If you drink like I do, be prepared for it to be gone in about two gulps. You can make it feel like it lasts longer if you take small sips though. The other downside is the price. There are plenty of alternatives out there that will give you quite a bit more chocolaty goodness for your buck. On with the list.

Hershey's syrup is something you should always have on hand. If you have one in the refridgerator thats great but make sure you keep one in the glove compartment of your vehicle as well. Hershey's syrup is best when mixed into milk and then stirred but if you are in a bind you can just squeeze it into your mouth directly from the bottle. Keep in mind this should only be done in moderation. Its also great on top of ice cream.

Carnation Instant Breakfast is a powder that is mixed into milk and is something my dad got me hooked on years ago. I remember him talking about how he would wake up in the morning as a young boy and my grandmother would be handing him his Carnation Instant Breakfast as he got out of bed. This comes in other flavors as well but really, who would want any other flavor if chocolate was already one of them? This makes a great breakfast on the go and is best bought in the powder form. I know you can buy it by the bottle now but it just doesn't taste as good. Trust me.

This stuff is about 16 oz. of one of the most unique chocolate flavors you will ever experience and, unlike most of the other items on this list, it doesn't really taste like milk at all. So if you want to try something different to quench your thirst for chocolate give Yoohoo a try.

Ever since I heard Ralphy mention this stuff in THE CHRISTMAS STORY as a young boy I wanted to try it. All you have to do is add milk and presto!!! This is a very satisfying drink that I wish I would have started drinking earlier in life.

Nesquik is another powder-based drink from Nestle that you add to milk. It comes in other flavors than chocolate but chocolate really is the best as far as I'm concerned. Now, you can get this in the store in a bottle as well but beware. It has a weird taste and does not taste nearly as chocolaty as if you were to mix it with milk.

This is simply my favorite chocolate drink hands down. Not only because it can be found at most gas stations and groceries either....but that does help. Dean's has mastered the formula of chocolaty goodness. On a good week the front of my van will be littered with two or three of these empty bottles.


  1. What are you like 80 years old with the chocolate Boost? You're a mess! You crack me up. I love chocolate just about anyway I can get it too. Very fun post.

  2. Hahaha awesome post! I love chocolate as well.
